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Hannah Arendt |
Through the 1930s and into the
war years Arendt watched as Hitler and other fascist leaders moulded public
opinion by infiltrating the free press, setting up ministries of propaganda and
ultimately by the use of physical violence via groups like the fascist
blackshirts or brownshirts against those who disagreed or challenged their
ideas. The experience encouraged Arendt to write in 1974 “.....the moment we no longer have a free
press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any
other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an
opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the
consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes
anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be
changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On
the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the
rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the
political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot
make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of
its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what
you please”.
Arnedt was not wrong in her
analysis and it would certainly have worried her greatly that we stand today in
2017 at a point where we are witnessing in the UK, the USA and in some other
European states – most notably the Netherlands and France – a repeat of what
occurred in the interwar years.
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Not 1930's Nazi Germany but the UK
in 2016
What we now glibly term the
post truth era or the age of alternative facts hides a sinister trend on both
sides of the Atlantic. The lambasting by Donald Trump of the media, the
falsehoods put out by the Brexit campaign in the run up to the Referendum, the scorn
and vitriol poured upon the judiciary by the right wing press in this country,
the rise in hate crime and rampant nationalism are all reminiscent of pre-war times. And what pulls all this together are Arnedt’s
initial points – namely that “Totalitarianism
begins in contempt for what you have. The second step is the notion: ‘Things
must change—no matter how, Anything is better than what we have.” This was precisely the message hammered home
by Trump in his campaign and it was the same message put out in the UK by Boris
Johnson, Michael Gove, Nigel Farage and the rest: "we have 'American carnage' cries Trump or we are subject to 'faceless politicians in Brussels' say Brexiteers - we must be free of it, anything is better than this". The same message is now being broadcast
increasingly loudly by Marine le Pen in France and by Geert Wilders in the
Netherlands. Against this back drop, just as Arnedt had witnessed in her youth
in Nazi Germany and later recorded we are increasingly seeing in the UK and the
USA and elsewhere the " [organising] of
mass sentiment, and its articulation so that the people love it."
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A seminal book -without doubt
one of the creators of the modern world
Richard Hoggart the author of
the seminal work “The Uses of Literacy”,
an in depth study of the impact and use of mass media, would, too, have
recognised this trend and been appalled. “‘We
all need to remember, every day more and more, that in the last resort there is
no such thing as the ‘common man’” he wrote in his book published seven years before the
birth of Nigel Farage. “If we do not, we
may in the end have allowed individual decision to slip away in our dutiful
democratic identification of ourselves with a hypothetical figure whose main
value is to those who will mislead us.” Hoggart, who died in 2014, at the
age of 95, spent his working life urging us to watch out for men such as Farage and Donald Trump; “mass persuaders”, Hoggart called them, “whose cynicism and self-interest knew no
bounds”. Hoggart, like Arnedt would have recognized instantly how those who
follow the doctrine of the Trumps, the Farage’s, the Johnson’s and the Gove’s and who voted for them and their “Make America great again” or “Give us back
control of our borders” emotional propaganda –
have been brain washed and misled; “deprived”,
as Arnedt suggests, “of their capacity to think and to judge. And with such
a people you can then do what you please”.
Finally, Arendt suggested
another dimension to this trend. "Since these mass persuaders tell us that
things must change and must get better" she argued "the law of progress holds that
everything now must be better than what was there before. But if you want
something better, and better, and better, then you potentially lose the inherent good in what you already have. The good is increasingly sidelined and perhaps
no longer even being measured." In short
we forget what it was like to not have the very goods and benefits that we today
enjoy: Brexiteers tells us that things are so dreadful as members of the EU that we
must leave and take back control; Trump tells the citizens of the USA their
land is filled with “carnage” and
they must make America great again. Professor Tony Judt in his “Ill Fares the Land” , however, is clear – we have,
he suggests, reached a paradox and have forgotten why we wanted these beneficial things in
the first place. The EU was established to bring peace and prosperity to a
continent ravaged for centuries by wars; the welfare state across the world
introduced so that citizens no longer had to struggle the deprivations of
poverty, ill health, lack of education or insecurity; the great talismen of modern
times: free education, equality before the law, human rights, equality of pay,
gender and the rest, and the great freedoms such as that for religion or political
belief were put in place for the equal benefit of all men and women. True,
everything was not and is not perfect, things can always improve but ask
someone who grew up in the 1930s or before and who fought for these things that we take
so much for granted today and they will look at you askance tell you that to go back to those far
off days would be a very bad idea indeed.
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Oswald Mosley and his blackshirts in the 1930s - with Brexit
and Trump, le Pen and Wilders we are close to a return
to this madness.
But, today, as Judt and Arendt suggest,
we have forgotten just why we wanted these benefits in the first place; we have lost the ability recognise and to measure “the good” which we have, as
we blindly follow the mantra of Trump and Brexit that things are so terrible that we must dismantle the very institutions
and beliefs that gave us this paradise in the first place. We continually look for this mythical place where the grass is greener and in doing so neglect and increasingly despise that which we have. Trump tells Americans that Obamacare
is to be ditched, that the public schools are to be privatised or that walls
are to be built to keep out foreigners and millions cheer; Brexit politicians tell us that we
must get rid of the Human Rights Act, privatise our NHS and set ourselves free
from the constraints of Europe and throughout the land their unthinking acolytes think it sounds wonderful, the panacea for all life's ills. As nationalistic alarm bells ring across the
free world, just as they did in the 1930s, we should all be very afraid. All those
who march to the tune of Donald Trump or the Brexit politicians and who now mindlessly
regurgitate their propaganda of isolationism, nationalism and extremism are, as Arendt suggests, sad, desperate and dangerous cogs in a machine where “....totalitarianism appeals to the very
dangerous emotional needs of people who live in complete isolation and in fear
of one another.”
At the end of last week ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair pessimistically, and for me terrifyingly, said, when making a speech about the Brexit situation "In the long term, this is essentially [about] values: liberty, democracy, the rule of law. As the world changes and opens up across boundaries of nation and culture, which values will govern the 21st Century?.... The one incontrovertible characteristic of politics today is its propensity for revolt… Today, for the first time in my adult life, it is not clear that the resolution of this question about liberty, democracy and the rule of law will be benign." Quite; if you are not worried then you should be.
At the end of last week ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair pessimistically, and for me terrifyingly, said, when making a speech about the Brexit situation "In the long term, this is essentially [about] values: liberty, democracy, the rule of law. As the world changes and opens up across boundaries of nation and culture, which values will govern the 21st Century?.... The one incontrovertible characteristic of politics today is its propensity for revolt… Today, for the first time in my adult life, it is not clear that the resolution of this question about liberty, democracy and the rule of law will be benign." Quite; if you are not worried then you should be.