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In the great Mosque/ Cathedral in Cordoba - it brought memories of Istanbul |
With the use of Wi-Fi and my smart phone I was able to keep up with the international news each evening – a quick touch on my Guardian App and I could read the headlines from around the world. And as I logged on and skimmed through the world’s events each evening I read of the dreadful killing of an off duty soldier in London – an event which we are told has terrorist links. What I found equally or maybe even more worrying was the apparent and predictable backlash that resulted – mosques being firebombed, tabloid and right wing newspapers whipping up a frenzy and large increase in race related crime and extremist parties like the BNP or English Defence League feeling this was too good an opportunity to miss to perhaps sign up a few more supporters. From what I could gather prime minister David Cameron very quickly identified this as a terrorist event and in doing so, in my view, increased the likelihood of racial extremism. We have now returned to the UK to read of the Home Secretary drawing up new plans to counter terrorism and in the process, I would guess, not only further limits general freedoms but also will further stoke up the racist and religious tensions. This is not to minimise a truly dreadful event by people who clearly must be punished in the most severe manner but when tensions run high, religion is involved, extremists are on the scene and powerful voices – be they politicians, newspaper editors or street corner orators – are whipping up the throng, then things can get badly out of hand. The briefest look through history – from an Easter in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago when the mob ensured a man was put on a cross, to pre War Germany when the beginning of the holocaust was founded, to many of today’s problems that we see across the world in places like Syria – will illustrate that violence and inhumanity is often rooted in hatred and stoked up extremism.
It was both saddening and expected to find that when I
returned home on Sunday the undercurrent of hatred and extremism had crept into
my own home. I switched on my computer and found that eight new “jokes” had
appeared in my e-mail inbox. Like many, I suppose, I regularly receive jokes,
light hearted tales, interesting items that are circulating the internet from
friends and acquaintances. Out of the eight such items in my in-box six were
unsavoury, racist, anti-Muslim offerings which I immediately deleted. It seems
that just under the surface of us all there is a bit of hatred and mistrust
waiting to get out – even from the “nice” people who are my friends! Events
like the killing in London and the backlash that follows means that we all
become party to it in some form or another and proves to me that all of us have
only the thinnest veneer of tolerance.
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A Moorish philosopher in Seville - touch his shoe and you will gain his wisdom we were told. I touched his shoe - still waiting for the wisdom! |
But back to Spain! As we toured these wonderful places -
the lovely old town of Ronda with its great bridge, ancient bull ring and quiet
charm, the bustling city of Seville with
its great Cathedral, the beautiful Maria Luisa Park, and the stunning Alcazar, the truly wonderful mosque/cathedral and
alcazar of Cordoba and, finally, the “jewel in the crown”, so to speak, the
great Alhambra at Granada - I was struck by a number of things.
Every one of these places (and others I have not mentioned) are amongst some of the world’s great places for some reason or other – designated World Heritage sites, the birth place of bull fighting, the oldest Royal Palace still in use, the starting point of Columbus’ trip to discover the New World – and so it goes on. They can all, rightly, claim to be at the heart and cradle of our western civilisation. Every one of them in some small way, touches our lives today. As we walked though the beautiful gardens of the Alcazar in Cordoba we came across a statue of Columbus standing in front of Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand in the late 15th century. It was Isabella who funded Columbus’s mad cap venture to sail west in order to get to the east. He set off with his four little ships and “discovered” America. Within a few years Seville and its surrounding area was one of the great and richest cities of the world as Spanish galleons made their way up the river to this inland port - each ship laden with the riches of the New World. I looked up at the statue and wondered if Isabella and Ferdinand ever dreamed that when they provided Columbus with his funds for his venture that this would be the result – untold wealth for their country but further into the future that they would be bringing to the world a super power whose actions and power would affect all of us everyday – Starbucks, Coke, Hollywood, Wall Street...........and so it goes on. Would it all have ended differently if, for example, that first discoverer had set out from Shanghai or St Petersburg and the New World had been populated not by Europeans but by Chinese, Indians or Russians? Would the whole “balance” of our modern world be the same? Would we still be fighting a "war on terror" against eastern countries - or would they see us as the terrorists?
Or another recurring theme, as we travelled through this
wonderful area, was the impact of invading armies and military action – and
especially one man – Napoleon. Wherever we went it seemed Napoleon had left his
mark – and usually in a negative way! In the early years of the nineteenth
century following the French Revolution, as Napoleon fought to extend his
Empire during the Peninsula War, we came across example after example of Napoleon’s
impact. So often we read or heard that works of art had “gone missing” from the
great cathedrals and palaces – presumably all to fill the houses and chateaux
of France and the Louvre! But of course, all wars bring this – violence,
destruction, pillage and in this case perhaps the greatest act of destruction
occurred at Granada when Napoleon used the Alhambra in Granada as a garrison
for his troops. As the war turned against him and he began to flee the country
he planned to blow up the vast structure. His plans were foiled to some extent
by a wounded soldier left behind in the retreat – according to legend he cut
the fuses to many of the explosives and so preserved one of the wonders of our
But it was not only Napoleon who left his mark – the
Romans, the Moors, Catholic princes and monarchs with fine sounding names –
Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand, Pedro the Cruel and many, many others all left
their imprint on the landscape, the culture, the economy and the built
The history of this part of the world is a worthy
reminder of the impermanence of empires – Romans, Moors, Christians, invading
French, great Spanish kings and queens, the English all have come and gone in
some way or another – all, at their time, were masters of the universe and all
eventually crumbled and passed into history. All wrote their tales in the
buildings they erected and the cultures that they pursued. And, of course, they
all had their own version of history! For example Pedro the Cruel who was
largely responsible for the building of the beautiful Seville Alcazar on the
ruins of the old Moorish structure was known by many as Pedro the Just – it
just depended on your point of view, your historical perspective - to many he
was a cruel tyrant to others a just king! History is a funny old thing! As we
walked round the Admirals’ Hall the Alcazar -
a series of rooms filled with paintings and art celebrating Spain’s
glorious naval past - I reflected that there was not one picture or reference
depicting the defeat by Drake of the Spanish Armada in 1588. I’m sure that in
any English naval art gallery we would find some celebration or acknowledgement
of the defeat of the Armada. But that is
the way that the history of nations works. They celebrate success and glory and
quietly forget or delete defeat or less savoury aspects of their past. In
modern times we criticise communist regimes for doing this re-writing of
history - but in reality we all do it! And we are no different than our Spanish cousins – our art and
culture generally celebrates the good and the things of which we are proud; I
haven’t seen many great works of British art celebrating the defeat of King
Harold at the Battle of Hastings – we left that to the victors the skilled needlewomen
of Bayeux! History, it seems only celebrates the winners and certainly it is
the winners who write the history! To be fair, however, we did see a picture of
and reference to the Duke of Medina Sidonia when we walked around Ronda – the
Duke, much maligned by the end of his life was the ill fated commander of the
Armada and its defeat was very much blamed on his alleged incompetence. He was
definitely not a winner! But even his name tells its own story – and it is the
story of Andalucía. ‘Medina’ is a Moorish word for ‘city’ and Sidonia the name
of the city - ‘Sidou’. Medina Sidonia is a city in the Ronda region so the Duke
was one of its sons and he was one of the most powerful men in Spain. He was a
man whose actions in 1588 had an effect on our own country’s fortunes and
history and he came from a Moorish background. How complex is the web of human
life and culture!
And this was the joy of our little tour of Andalucía –
wherever we went we witnessed a clashing of cultures, and histories. We heard
names and saw places that directly impacted on our own world and history. Names
and events that crop up in our own heritage. People and places that ultimately
give meaning to our own life and history.
Indeed, the overwhelming and recurring theme of our trip
was just this – the intermixing of two great cultures - Christian and Islam. Moorish and European.
Wherever we went we were reminded of the strong links between the two. Walking
round the Alhambra in Granada or the Mosque/Cathedral in Cordoba or the
Alacazar in the same city one was faced with
the Moorish/Muslim heritage. Wherever we went were reminded of our visit some
years ago to Istanbul and as we stood in the Alhambra or in the Alcazar both
Pat and I reflected that we felt the same atmosphere and saw the same forms when
we stood in the misty dreamlike dawn of Agra gazing at the Taj Mahal in 2008. The
shapes and patterns, the architecture, the serenity of the places, the sheer
beauty reminded us of ancient mughal palaces visited in India. As I stood in
these places I reflected that much of the great Muslim/Moorish art and
architecture was founded upon their mathematical and artistic skills at a time when we in Europe were still
in what we call the “dark ages”. As we drove past Andalucían villages our guide
pointed out the Moorish minarets that had been cleverly converted into
Christian church bell towers. As we watched and listened to the music of
Flamenco dancing you could almost touch the sound of the East. Great cultures
mixing and morphing into something else.
And at the end of our little trip I reflected on three
Firstly, in all that we had seen, whether it be Moorish
or European, Muslim or Christian I was struck by the fact that they had created
something to reflect their culture and beliefs. Religious beliefs, items of
beauty, reflections of their community and its values. And I wonder what will
we leave that speaks of us to the tourist or historian of five hundred years
from now – and what will this future tourist say and think about what we have
left? and secondly, these
palaces, mosques, churches, castles and the rest – were constructed to a large
degree to announce to the world the power, wealth and faith of their creators
be they Moorish Sultans or Catholic Princes. Just as in Florence with the
Medici or the Doges of Venice they wished to
show the world and their peers not just that they were wealthy but that they
were cultured, devout and powerful. What will we produce I wonder? I’m not, I
think, looking at history through rose coloured glasses – these great man and
women, families like the Medici or the Sultans who built the Islamic palaces
were, in all probability, violent and rapacious individuals whose private and
public persona would probably not meet our standards today – but in their quest
for power and glory they left us a treasure
trove of the best of their civilisation. What will our great and good
leave for posterity to show the best of our civilisation - our high culture,
our traditions, our beliefs and our values?
Sadly, my answer to these two questions, despite racking
my brains, is that what we will leave are too often things that purely
utilitarian or reflections of a civilisation bent not on creating beautiful
things but on a society bent on creating only wealth. Just as in Spain or Italy
or other great towns and cities if you walk around any English city you will
find ample evidence and examples of our past and where we have come from. Walk around London and our eighteenth and
nineteenth century Empire is on every street corner – places of government,
statues of the great and good, offices of state, great commercial enterprises
that made London the one time capital of the world. Walk around any northern industrial town and
you will still see the great cotton and woollen mills (now often turned into
up-market apartments or supermarkets!), you will see the rows of terraced
worker’s houses tightly packed against the mill wall and in the centre you will
see the obvious civic pride and local wealth reflected in the great Town Halls.
Walk around our historical towns and cities – Stratford, Canterbury, York,
Durham and you will see the history and culture of our nation. But this is our
past - what will tourists in half a
millennia see of our modern culture and tradition? What will 2013 leave as a
mark of its culture, heritage, belief and society’s values? Will it be the Shard or Canary Wharf, I wonder,
that tourists will flock to as they do today when they visit St Paul's or
Westminster Abbey or Blenheim Palace? Will our millionaires (of whom there are
very many today compared with a few hundred years ago) or our local leaders
leave to future generations places like the Alcazar or St Mark’s in Venice or the Taj Mahal built
by Shah Jahan in memory of his beautiful wife? Sadly, I think not – instead tax
havens and wealth creation and retail outlets are the Gods that our society
increasingly worships – not pride or faith or tradition or heritage or that
which is good or the beautiful. Maybe future tourists will gaze in wonder at
some fossilised Marks and Spencer or B & Q store! Maybe instead of a wander around the beautiful
gardens of the Alhambra future historians and tourists to England will wander around open mouthed in
the ancient Tesco car park!
And we think we are clever! |
In today’s Guardian I read three things which seemed
relevant. One was a letter from a correspondent who wrote: “I think we should listen to what everyone has to say, including Muslim
extremists ......... Extremism is just that: an extreme version of what a group
of people think. One of the results of not listening to people's fears around
immigration is right wing extremism........ one of the results of not listening
to people's disgust at invasions of Muslim countries is Muslim extremism. How
can we end either kind of extremism if we won't acknowledge its causes? So very true – if we don’t speak to each other
and listen then what hope is there?
The second was an article written by one of the founders
of UKIP. He said:“...... Ukip, the party
I founded 20 years ago and left in 1997 as it became a magnet for people whose
vision of the future is the 1950s – a supposed golden age before the EEC, black
people, Muslims and other immigrants, gays, lesbians and other products of the
sexual revolution of the 1960s, desecrated this island Eden.....” As I read this I thought of the “jokes” I
had received – a number from friends who I know who UKIP supporters. I don’t
condemn UKIP – it is a perfectly legitimate organisation and they are perfectly
entitled to their views, but its rise increasingly, I believe, reflects a growth of intolerance within
society. Indeed, I could forcefully argue that David Cameron’s quick
condemnation of the Woolwich atrocity as an act of terrorism, was clearly
calculated to appeal to large portions of the electorate - it was calculated rabble rousing. Cameron clearly
didn’t want to be caught as was Gordon Brown a few years ago when Brown
inadvertently called a woman a “bigot” when she brought up immigration and
racist issues as he was on the election trail. The sad thing was that it
probably lost Brown the election but in fact he was quite correct – she was a
bigot. It is easy for people to have perfectly legitimate concerns but at the
same time to knowingly or unknowingly be stirring the “intolerance pot”. I read last week that an organisation intended
for charity – “Help the Heroes” – had expressed their displeasure when the
English Defence League offered donations to
the organisation which caters for
supporting wounded and injured soldiers. The “English Defence League” is
a right wing extremist body and “Help For Heroes” was quite right to take the
stance they did. Unfortunately, from where I sit the very name “Help For
Heroes” is jingoistic and now almost synonymous with the “war on terror” in
Muslim countries because it supports soldiers largely injured whilst in action in
Muslim areas. That is precisely why the EDL wished to be associated with them –
they were quietly linking their extremism with others, who although not
themselves necessarily extremist, do represent an aspect of nationalism and jingoism
that can easily be translated into intolerance.
And finally, an article by Guardian columnist Seumas
Milne: “Eight years on, nothing has been
learned. In the week since a British soldier was horrifically stabbed to death
by London jihadists on the streets of Woolwich, it's July 2005 all over again.
David Cameron immediately rushed to set up a task force and vowed to
ban "hate clerics". Now the home secretary wants to outlaw
"nonviolent extremist" organisations, censor broadcasters and
websites and revive plans to put the whole country's phone and web records
under surveillance”.
barely does it justice.........As the police and a BBC reporter described the
alleged killers as of Muslim appearance
(in other words, non-white), Islamophobic attacks spiked across the country. In
the first five days 10 mosques were attacked, culminating in a triple petrol
bombing in Grimsby.
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In Seville's Maria Luisa Park |
politicians and the media congratulated themselves that Britain was
"calmly carrying on as usual", it won't have felt like that to the
Muslim woman who had her veil ripped off and was knocked unconscious in Bolton.
Nor, presumably, to the family of 75-year-old Mohammed Saleem, stabbed to
death in Birmingham in what had all the hallmarks of an Islamophobic attack –
or, for that matter, the nearly two-thirds of the population who think
there will be a "clash of civilisations" between white Britons and
Muslims, up 9% since the Woolwich atrocity......”
Difference easily breeds distrust and distrust is the first stage of fear and then hatred and this in its turn promotes violence. It is what the bully, be he on the school playground or standing giving a political speech depends upon – the insecurity of people and the opportunity to home in on those that are different and appear to be “not one of us”. Throughout the centuries we have seen people use this as a tool to whip up emotions – think only of Hitler in Germany against the Jews or McCarthy in America against alleged communists or Robespierre as he ignited the “terror” in Paris during the French Revolution.
If we are to break this circle then we have to
understand and respect each other. Anything that induces distrust or fear is
almost certain to end in violence. I
have absolutely no doubts that the present policy of waging “a war on terror” –
a misplaced euphemism for a war on anyone who we happen to distrust or fear or
is different from us - is the completely wrong approach. Its only consequence
is a violent response. We have seen it for too long in too many places. But it
seems to me that there is an even higher imperative than this – namely that we
all have so much to learn from each other. We, in the west, might think
ourselves very clever with our technology and life style but just maybe we have
much to learn and perhaps admire from
other cultures and it behoves us as part of humanity and the sharers of this
small planet to be able to do just that. So, when, on my return from Andalucía,
I looked at the rather sad and depressing and racially motivated jokes on my
computer I quickly deleted them and thought rather of all I had seen and
enjoyed of Moorish and Islamic based art and architecture in those few past
As I deleted the offending mails and saw on the TV and internet the racist backlash following the murder of the soldier in London and I thought of another holiday - in 2008 - when we visited India and have wonderful memories of the Golden Temple of Amritsar, the spiritual home of the Sikhs. As in the mosques and cathedrals we visited in Spain the reverence was tangible and the art and architecture stunning. But I remember, too, the humility that I felt as we stood in the great “dining hall” of the Temple where many thousands each day come and are fed a simple but nutritious meal. “It is what we believe we must do” said our Sikh companion. At first I assumed this was just for “believers” but was quickly put to rights – “No, anyone may eat” we were told “just sit down shoulder to shoulder with the next person and you will be fed. You may be sitting next to a beggar or a prince – we are all equal and we see no difference” Now that’s tolerance and understanding. And I thought, too, of a story that I often used to tell when leading a school assembly - about friends and enemies. It is a story about Abraham Lincoln and has many versions. As the end of the Civil War approached Lincoln had occasion to refer to the Confederate soldiers and leaders benevolently - as fellow Americans who had simply "erred" - rather than as enemies to be beaten, humiliated and exterminated. He even suggested that he would be dining with a number of the Confederate leaders. An elderly lady, a fiery patriot, rebuked him for speaking kindly of his enemies when he ought to be thinking of destroying them. "Why, madam," said Lincoln, "do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" So true! Lincoln's comment seems to me to be a clear restatement of the Christian ideal of "who is my neighbour" expressed in the parable of the Good Samaritan or Christ's sermon on the mount: “I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven”. Not to heed this imperative is a denial of Christian teaching - and we are supposed to be in the west, nominally at least, Christian societies. I have absolutely, no doubt that our misguided leaders and the those in wider society (be they political organisations, charity groups, extremist sects, ordinary individuals or indeed those who would circulate racist "jokes") who would be suspicious of or mock other nations and humiliate those of a different cultures encourage hatred, bloodshed and acts of the sort that occurred on London last week. They could learn much from Abraham Lincoln and a visit to Amritsar - or, indeed, a visit to these wonderful places in Andalucia. All of them speak of what it is to be human and how we must, somehow, work out how we can share this small planet together - and that must mean tolerance, understanding and respect - not wars on terror.
As I deleted the offending mails and saw on the TV and internet the racist backlash following the murder of the soldier in London and I thought of another holiday - in 2008 - when we visited India and have wonderful memories of the Golden Temple of Amritsar, the spiritual home of the Sikhs. As in the mosques and cathedrals we visited in Spain the reverence was tangible and the art and architecture stunning. But I remember, too, the humility that I felt as we stood in the great “dining hall” of the Temple where many thousands each day come and are fed a simple but nutritious meal. “It is what we believe we must do” said our Sikh companion. At first I assumed this was just for “believers” but was quickly put to rights – “No, anyone may eat” we were told “just sit down shoulder to shoulder with the next person and you will be fed. You may be sitting next to a beggar or a prince – we are all equal and we see no difference” Now that’s tolerance and understanding. And I thought, too, of a story that I often used to tell when leading a school assembly - about friends and enemies. It is a story about Abraham Lincoln and has many versions. As the end of the Civil War approached Lincoln had occasion to refer to the Confederate soldiers and leaders benevolently - as fellow Americans who had simply "erred" - rather than as enemies to be beaten, humiliated and exterminated. He even suggested that he would be dining with a number of the Confederate leaders. An elderly lady, a fiery patriot, rebuked him for speaking kindly of his enemies when he ought to be thinking of destroying them. "Why, madam," said Lincoln, "do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" So true! Lincoln's comment seems to me to be a clear restatement of the Christian ideal of "who is my neighbour" expressed in the parable of the Good Samaritan or Christ's sermon on the mount: “I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven”. Not to heed this imperative is a denial of Christian teaching - and we are supposed to be in the west, nominally at least, Christian societies. I have absolutely, no doubt that our misguided leaders and the those in wider society (be they political organisations, charity groups, extremist sects, ordinary individuals or indeed those who would circulate racist "jokes") who would be suspicious of or mock other nations and humiliate those of a different cultures encourage hatred, bloodshed and acts of the sort that occurred on London last week. They could learn much from Abraham Lincoln and a visit to Amritsar - or, indeed, a visit to these wonderful places in Andalucia. All of them speak of what it is to be human and how we must, somehow, work out how we can share this small planet together - and that must mean tolerance, understanding and respect - not wars on terror.