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Theresa May's letter (in English) is given to its Polish
addressee at his office in Belgium!
As I read the header I shook my head in both sorrow and
anger – it was exactly right. With yesterday’s triggering of Article 50,
effectively setting out the divorce proceedings between ourselves and the EU,
we are like two partners in a failed marriage ridding ourselves of each other.
The important phrase to me, however, was “It’s
not EU it’s me...” – a clever rewriting of “It’s not you it’s me”. Within that header is all that you need to
know about the Brexit debacle, Brexit supporters and the state of modern
Britain: namely, you are unimportant it’s me and my desires that are paramount. Like the selfish husband or wife who sees
only their interests as of importance and have no notion of the partnership,
the feelings involved, the give and take
element of a marriage or of the vows that they made in entering the arrangement
so, too, Brexit campaigners, the delusional wing of the Tory party, the right
wing media and all those who mindlessly voted for Brexit in last year’s
Referendum have consistently reflected the same selfish me, me, me view of life
so prevalent in modern western society – and especially so in the UK
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The Sun's headline - no more to be said about its or Brexit motives |
Overnight all the pundits have been hard at work analysing
the letter written by Theresa May to trigger Article 50. Presumably May and her
ministers and civil servants worked long
and hard at setting out the various points that they wished to make
concentrating as much on what they didn’t say as what they did. There was an
immediate response from the EU and from the pundits highlighting various controversial
issues in the letter such as issues of international security and the exchange
and cooperation on issues of crime and terrorism. The Sun newspaper this morning ran the
disgraceful headline “Your money or your
lives” – in other words give us (the UK) what we want in the Brexit
negotiations or we will discontinue work with your security agencies and
thus put European lives at risk from the terrorist and crime threat. The
newspaper went on to say: “...the Prime Minister would be crazy
not to use our peerless anti-terror security services as a bargaining chip.
Some critics may be disgusted... We need to play every decent card in our hand,
and security is one of our strongest.” Of
course government ministers raced to distance themselves from this, assuring
the populace and the EU that this was never their intention, but the damage was done and
for me it shows up what Brexit is – a total shambles.
The letter triggering the break from Europe is undoubtedly the most important
document written by a British government for years – its precision and
implications had to be exactly right both in word and spirit, no ifs no buts.
By acknowledging that the letter did not mean what the Sun said it did – and
certainly politicians and pundits across Europe and the UK took the meaning
that the Sun did, that Theresa May was issuing a threat to Europe – the Brexit
government was also acknowledging that they got it wrong, they did not strike
the right note. Well, if that be the case then in my book they are either
incompetent because they did not get it right or despicable because they
actually meant it and are now trying to deny it having been caught with their
proverbial trousers down. I’m not sure which, but I suspect it is both. And the
shambles didn’t end there. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor also quickly
pointed out that the UK’s demand for negotiations about both our withdrawal
from Europe and the initiation of new trade deals were unacceptable.
The so called “parallelism” would be a non starter. Frau Merkel told reporters
in Berlin: "The negotiations must first
clarify how we will disentangle our interlinked relationship... and only when
this question is dealt with, can we, hopefully soon after, begin talking about
our future relationship". European
newspapers virtually without exception, greeted the Brexit letter and its
contents with a mixture of pain, puzzlement and predictions that the coming two
years of negotiations could get nasty – especially if the UK resorts to what
they perceived as “blackmail” over issues like security cooperation.
They were not wrong, for this outlook and position of
threats and blackmail has characterised virtually every meeting and summit that
we have had with our European friends and colleagues over the last 44 years of
our European marriage. For as long as I can remember we have been unwilling to
be equal partners in Europe always wanting special concessions or a
bigger share of the pie. And, like badly behaved children, we have stamped our
feet and sulked when we did not get our own way. The era of gun boat diplomacy
that so characterised the British Empire of the Victorian age when Prime
Ministers like Palmerston threw their weight about in Europe and across the
world and threatened to send in a good old English gun boat if we did not get
our way are still lurking in government and alive and well in national
psyche. We may not now send in a gun
boat but, like the bully on the playground, we still seek to throw our weight
about and find it impossible to cope when we do not get our own way;
the worm in our national sub conscious, tells us, that we, the English, (I choose my
word carefully) are best. We might laugh at the old Flanders and Swann song “The English” but it still rings loud, clear and sadly believed in the ears, hearts and minds of the Tory party, UKIP, the Daily Mail and Daily
Telegraph readers, and in jingoistic, flag waving pubs and bars across England:
The English
(Flanders & Swan)
The rottenest bits of these islands of ours
We've left in the hands of three unfriendly powers
Examine the Irishman, Welshman or Scot
You'll find he's a stinker as likely as not
The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest
The Scotsman is mean as we're all well aware
He's boney and blotchy and covered with hair
He eats salty porridge, he works all the day
And hasn't got bishops to show him the way
The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest
The Irishman now our contempt is beneath
He sleeps in his boots and he lies through his teeth
He blows up policemen or so I have heard
And blames it on Cromwell and William the Third
The English are moral the English are good
And clever and modest and misunderstood
The Welshman's dishonest, he cheats when he can
He's little and dark more like monkey than man
He works underground with a lamp on his hat
And sings far too loud, far too often and flat
The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest
And crossing the channel one cannot say much
For the French or the Spanish, the Danish or Dutch
The Germans are German, the Russians are red
And the Greeks and Italians eat garlic in bed
The English are noble, the English are nice
And worth any other at double the price
And all the world over each nation's the same
They've simply no notion of playing the game
They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won
And they practice before hand which spoils all the fun
The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest
It's not that they're wicked or naturally bad
It's just that they're foreign that makes them so mad
The English are all that a nation should be
And the pride of the English are Chipper and me
The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest
Flanders & Swann - brilliant - but their gentle humour has a barbed point
Yes, all a bit of knock about fun. Nothing wrong with that we might chuckle. Except, except....... if one looks a little closer we have form on this in a number of areas. Our glorious National Anthem is a case in point. ”God save our gracious Queen.....” we are enjoined......... Well, I’ll put aside my republican reservations about how in a parliamentary democracy such as ours, where the basic underlying principle is that every man and woman is supposed to be equal, yet we tolerate a national anthem that is asking a God to somehow “save the Queen”. In other words we are asking an entity (a deity) that arguably doesn’t exist to somehow preserve an entity (an hereditary monarch) that arguably shouldn’t exist in a parliamentary democracy based upon equality! Why should we save her, I wonder? Does she need saving? Is there a shortage of Queens so we must preserve what we have for some sort of regal “rainy day”? But it doesn’t end there; unlike the EU anthem based upon Schiller’s “Ode to Joy”, there is nothing in our anthem of the virtues, ideals or aspirations of our country or our people. Instead, if one reads all the verses, not just the first verse, which is the one usually sung, it is not only to do with lauding and pouring rewards onto the preserved monarch’s head it also has some very unpleasant words and ideals, encouraging aggression and pouring scorn and destruction on “knavish” foreigners – notably the “rebellious Scots”:
God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen
O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen
Not in this land alone
But be God's mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
But be God's mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
And from one family
The wide world over be.
The wide world over be.
From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O'er her thine arm extend
For Britain's sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen.
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O'er her thine arm extend
For Britain's sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen.
Lord grant that
Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the Queen
The undercurrent of anti-foreigner feeling is alive and well
in the UK and especially so in England. The Brexit campaign brought it out into
the open with a vengeance bringing a rise in hate crime, a rise in general
intolerance and a suspicion of our neighbours. Watch English TV any and every
week and you will not have to wait long to see a programme harking back to the
World Wars – their unsubtle message invariably the same, how the good old brave
and fair minded British saved the world from itself and brought light and salvation to those poor, demented and wayward foreigners;
these films and programmes will repeat time after time the message that the
Frogs, the Krauts, the Wops and the Diegos are inferior, rather pathetic, not
to be trusted and responsible for most of the world’s ills. Watch our football
fans abroad and how each game is seen as a battle to overcome these European
teams who so often are better than us – too often it brings games not only on
the pitch itself but pitched battles on the streets of host cities and
xenophobic headlines in the right wing press.
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Punch's view of how to treat foreigners |
England and the wider UK have a proud and glorious history
but as a nation we are blind to our weaknesses and failings and with a
misguided sense of our worth. So much of our history and how we today see
ourselves is self centred. Maybe we can explain it because of our island
geography – we always have been a little removed from mainland Europe, we have
rarely had to suffer the invasions and the great sweeps and movements of people
that most other European nations have experienced. Our island home has been
both a barrier to the impact of other powers and influences but has, at the
same time, given us a warped view of the outside world giving us too often an
air of superiority. This is not to deny the huge contribution that Britain has
made to the safety and well being of Europe through the ages but it also hides the absolute fact that
there are many parts of our history of which we should not be so proud. In
short we have not always been and are not the good guys we like to believe
ourselves to be. To paraphrase Flanders
and Swann’s song: “The English are noble, the English are nice, And worth any
other at double the price”.......well, not always.
This unfortunate sense of superiority, even though our
history records many things of which we might rightly be proud, is what
underpins the Associated Press headline and our relationship with Europe in
general and the EU in particular over the past 44 years of our marriage. It has not been 44 years of wedded bliss; like
it or not we have had and still have an arrogant “Me, Me, Me, self importance and ego centric
attitude towards our near neighbours and assume that they must agree with us on our terms.
This is not a recipe for a successful partnership of any kind where one partner
has to constantly acquiesce to the other's demands, needs and desires! Maybe, if
we had spent the last 44 years talking to
our friends and neighbours in the EU rather than talking at them they might just have been more willing to
see the world in our terms. We have brought this catastrophe firmly upon
ourselves; we might like to think that we are in charge and demanding our exit
from Europe but I suspect that deep down, although we might be missed economically
there will be some communal sighs of relief in Paris, Berlin and Brussels – and
rightly so.
It speaks volumes of our relationship with and our respect
for other nations when our schools and universities are struggling to teach
foreign languages mainly because as a nation we, and our children, perceive it
as not very useful or too difficult. In a survey done a year or two ago it was
found that only 48 of Britain's 1,900 diplomats are judged to have an
‘extensive’ grip of a language, meaning they are close to communicating like a
native. Another 145 have an ‘operational’
grasp, meaning they can live a day-to-day life in the country but may struggle
with technical or academic information.
Fifteen are recognised as having language ‘confidence’ – defined as
being able to read road signs and book a hotel room. But incredibly some 1690 staff, or 90 per cent of the
Foreign Diplomatic Service, have no recognised language abilities for the country to
which they are posted! We lag far behind most other countries – for example in
Australia 50% of their diplomatic staff abroad are local language speakers. In
India, whose government recently declared France the preferred bidder over the
UK to build fighter jets just one UK diplomat could speak Hindi. In
Pyongyang, North Korea, five British diplomats are posted there and are encouraging
the regime to drop its nuclear programme. Sadly, they must be finding this
somewhat difficult since just one has a beginner’s level of Korean. A
number of British embassies, including in Cuba, Egypt, Malaysia and the
Philippines have no diplomats recognised as speaking the local language. There
are no diplomats registered as speaking Latvian in Riga, the capital of the
European Union’s fastest growing economy. There is only one Arabic-speaking
diplomat registered in each of Britain’s embassies in oil-rich Oman, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.
Despite these embarrassing figures the government, in its wisdom,
decided to close down the Foreign Office Foreign language School. One assumes
the reasoning behind this is that everyone else must speak English, because as
everyone knows that we are the best and speaking English is the best.....it’s
what “good chaps” do!
I suppose, that when one looks at the letter sent by Theresa
May to trigger Article 50 and realises that it is written in English yet it is addressed
to Donald Tusk who is Polish and who represents an organisation based in
Brussels in Belgium it tells us all we need to know about the respect that we
have for other nations, their peoples and their language. But, why worry, we are leaving Europe and going into the big wide world where presumably foreign languages don't matter(!) we are superior,
everyone must respond to us and our needs, learn and use our language, see
things from our point of view, and where necessary touch their forelocks
because as Flanders and Swann suggest
and everyone knows, “The English, the English,
the English are best”.