But no more. Sadly, in recent months I have increasingly concluded that enough is enough.
The political battle appears, at least to me, lost. Populism and extremism have
become the mainstream substitute for reasoned ethical debate and action. The
rise of Donald Trump and of the far
right in countries like France and the Netherlands, Brexit, UKIP, and the increasingly right wing Tory party with, at
its head a number of politicians who one would not wish to share the air of the
planet with let alone a lift, plus a Prime Minister who, despite reminding us
at every opportunity of her Christian background and heritage, seems incapable
of acting in any vaguely ethical or Christian way, all suggest to me that my
social democratic vision or values are now a lost cause. I am not by nature a
quitter – indeed, without being boastful I know that many who know me see my
staying power and ability to pursue something to the end as being a defining
characteristic. But such is my despondency at what, especially in the UK,
politics and society has morphed into in recent years, that I do not have it
within me, nor do I have the desire, to beat the drum any longer. I well remember the last assembly if each school year when I was a teenager and at secondary school. We always sang the same hymn year after year, Heavenly Father may thy blessing rest upon Thy children now...." I can still remember its words well. Verse two reminded the assembly of the importance of knowing when to speak and when to say nothing, ending with the line: "When to speak and when be silent, When to do and when forbear". Well, I have reached that point, it is the time to be silent and forebear!
From where I
sit the political narrative is increasingly driven and scripted by big
business, nationalism, populism and the right wing media; extremism, in various
guises, has gained the ascendancy but this has been brought about by a number
of factors – not just evil politicians and rapacious business men. Western
societies – and especially our English political and social scene - have got
the politics and politicians and leaders they and we deserve; the electorate
has allowed them to come to power and influence. Almost two millennia ago
Juvenal, the Roman poet and satirist, on watching the decline of the once great
Roman Empire commented ”The people that
once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself
no more, and longs eagerly for just two things - bread and circuses”. So,
too, it is in our society – we care only for “bread and circuses”; gone are the great visions and the high
ideals. The populace has forgotten why they called for and increasingly demanded some measure of social
democracy a hundred years ago when abject poverty, insecurity, ill health and
illiteracy were the norm for most. They have forgotten the wars which for
centuries had ravaged the world and Europe in particular. They have forgotten
that the years of social democracy through the late 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s delivered
standards of living, opportunity and social justice quite unimaginable to those
born before these years. Instead, in the society of today, working and dreaming
for a better tomorrow is passé; the “I’m alright Jack” mentality infests the
hearts and minds of the many. “Having a
laugh” appears to be the raison
d’etre of the majority. Visit any social media site and you will positively
wade through banal “quotes” promoted as pearls of wisdom and their common
message is “Enjoy yourself – you’re worth
it.” Gone are any thoughts of endeavour or thinking on higher things; Juvenal’s
other damning comment on decaying Rome has a huge resonance today in contemporary
England: “All wish to possess knowledge, but
few are willing to pay the price”. We have become a land obsessed and
delighted by the mediocre and the shallow, preferring the celebrity culture to the intellectual or learning culture and this not only infects our minds
but determines our actions and our politics. In short, in England – as in the
USA and increasingly other western societies - ignorance has become a shame
free condition and its repercussions can be seen everywhere:
inability or maybe unwillingness of left wing parties and politicians to
articulate alternative agendas and policies to those espoused by parties of the
right is now almost complete. In the UK especially, the inability of the Labour Party,
its politicians and its members, to not only inhabit the real world and to
learn from past experience but, more importantly, to offer its followers and
the electorate something to which to aspire is unutterably depressing.
Many suggest that Labour was in a similar position in the mid 80’s when
the Party of Michael Foot was at an all time low. The position is not the same.
Whilst it is true that Foot’s Party was soundly beaten and in the political
wilderness they had coherent policies argued by one of England’s great
politicians and debaters of the age – Michael Foot. The Party’s manifesto was
not what the electors wanted and this was shown in the polls, but it was a
policy, clear and unequivocal. Today, however, the Labour Party is just a mess
- a rag bag outfit of third rate chancers
lead by Jeremy Corbyn - a man who might
have the best of motives but is, on a daily basis, shown to be totally inadequate,
and worse doesn’t realise it. The problems faced by the left are visible in all
countries but nowhere has a party of the
left shown itself to be so inept and lacking in vision and competence
that Corbyn’s Labour. I need only to think of Ed Balls following the general
Election defeat of 2015 to verify my beliefs. Here was a man, shadow Chancellor
of the Exchequer, tipped as a possible leader of the Party and maybe one day
Prime Minister. He lost his parliamentary seat in the election and by some kind of
warped reasoning decided to make a name for himself by
becoming a “national treasure” on the banal and hugely popular mass entertainment programme Strictly Come Dancing. His reason, when
asked, was that it was "something he had always wanted to do" and that it would
help him “re-connect” with ordinary people. Can there be a sadder verdict on a
senior politician and potential leader or indeed on the values and interests of
England’s 21st century electorate. Juvenal would have recognised
this – he saw it daily as mighty Rome declined.
· The
greatly worrying, but well documented trend in western societies - but
especially so in the UK & USA - where
ignorance is increasingly a shame free condition which in turn results in reasoned debate
and thoughtful solutions being in increasingly short supply. In a world where
issues about political, social, economic and every other policy are, by their
very nature, increasingly complex the electorate is too often unable to grasp
the issues, unwilling to research them, and keen to take the easy quick fix
solutions offered by the unscrupulous popular media and its spokesmen.
this there is, too, a wider malaise. In a world where the “race to the bottom”
TV and wider media schedules and offerings are seen by the majority as good and
worthy we have, as Ed Balls’ actions confirmed, largely lost the ability to discriminate and
judge what is of worth. The pluralist
society that we all now inhabit has
moved on from simply being a society where diversity is recognised to a society
where anything goes; Strictly Come
Dancing considered as worthy as The Royal Ballet or the latest gratuitously violent Hollywood
offering the equal of Hamlet; as an Oxford don caustically commented, and in doing so
incurred the wrath of the popular press in 1993, “[in the contemporary world] lavatorial graffiti are not to be
distinguished in any qualitative way from the drawings of Rembrandt”.
this world of Homer Simpsons the fool is king and the king might vote with his
wallet or his heart but never his head.
Against this backdrop a largely ignorant electorate is easily
influenced. Populists paint the world
black and white and turn fears into political capital. Mantras like “Take back control” or “Brexit means Brexit” are slogans that
we hear everywhere – simple, easy to repeat, easy to not think about – all that
the unthinking and increasingly intellectually challenged electorate is able or
desires to take on board. We have an American President (and many of our own
politicians, too) who pass on their thoughts and what laughingly pass for
policies in 140 character Tweets – they know that these are the most that the
contemporary mass electorate can or wish to intellectually grapple with. So, we
have the paradoxical situation that in a world becoming more complex the
answers offered by politicians are becoming simpler, less nuanced, less
detailed, black and white; banal and trivial catch phrases for an increasingly
banal, trivial and uncritical, unthinking, unquestioning electorate.
· This
inability to discriminate or think carefully, has, now almost daily
consequences. No longer do we ask questions about whether or not an action is
right or just or fair – but simply does it work, how much does it cost.
Increasingly in the UK and the USA our politics, politicians, business leaders
and the wider society have become arch pragmatists – justifying their policies and
actions on its results not its rightness, worth or justness. Over a hundred
years ago American philosopher William James commented: “Pragmatism asks its usual question. ‘Grant an idea or belief to be
true,’ it says, ‘what concrete difference will its being true make in anyone's
actual life? How will the truth be realized? What experiences will be different
from those which would obtain if the belief were false? What, in short, is the
truth's cash-value in experiential terms?” Quite – the growth in pragmatism as an
underpinning to politics and society has reduced all to cash
value rather than its intrinsic worthiness or decency.
I could go on
but will not – I have written it all before; enough is enough. In my eyes the battle for the social democratic hearts and
minds of the electorate is long lost. I will maintain my blog - but without the
“politics” element: “Personal perspectives on people, places,
passions and preoccupations of a seventy something” will now be its subject
matter. The UK,
but more specifically England is what it is; it is time for me to move on. Einstein
once reminded the world that “Insanity is
doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That is how I feel and I do not wish to
continue to bang my head against the wall somehow hoping for a pain free
Last week two
things caught my eye which I have thought much on in recent days. Firstly, I
read an article at the top of which was the headline: “Nobody likes us and we don’t care”. For those who do not live in
the UK and may be unfamiliar with this rather unpleasant message it originated
many years ago (and is still in weekly use) at the south London football club
Millwall. The club has long had a reputation for disreputable fans and its often
uncompromising brand of football. The club’s stadium – known as “The Den” and its team are known as “The Lions” – can be a daunting and
threatening place for visiting teams and their fans. Similarly, when Millwall
fans travel away to fixtures there is always the potential for threatening
behaviour. The fans, however, take a pride in this; they are the Lions, their home is the Den, “Enter here with fear” is
their message. And, as their chant implies, “We
don’t care that we are disliked or perceived as unpleasant people – in fact we
are proud of it; nobody likes us and we don’t care!” The article went on to draw an analogy
between the chant and the Millwall fans’ perception of themselves and the UK’s record
over many years in relation to Europe in general and the EU in particular. It
was correct. For as long as I can remember we Brits have disparaged foreigners
and have found every opportunity to promote ourselves as something superior to
the poor, well meaning but deficient rabble across the Channel, who have not had the good fortune to
be born English – or, worse still, been foolish enough to born further afield
in Africa, Asia or elsewhere. We have been willing participants when it came
down to disparaging those of a different race, colour or creed and once we
became unwilling members of the EU have pleaded consistently for some kind of
special treatment. The ignominy of being “ruled” from Brussels, Berlin or
Paris was too much; “We don’t deserve
this” has been the cry, “to be
treated so unfairly by these jumped up foreigners”. Like the Millwall fans we proudly, but confrontationally, say to our neighbours, who we perceive as opponents rather than colleagues, "We are Brits, lion hearted, fearless when roused - don't mess with us or it will be the worse for you." As with the football fans it seems quite right and natural to us to hold this position for rooted deep in our national psyche is the notion that anyone who is not English is the opposition and therefore is a threat, not to be trusted, to be overcome. And in being so we have made ourselves
thoroughly unpleasant. As the Brexit campaign showed, and
still shows in 2017, we Brits worry not who we upset or treat
badly, for we are, in our own minds, superior, the only
nation fit to “rule the waves”. Just as the Millwall supporters chant, so we
in England, too, revel in the notion that “Nobody
likes us and we don’t care” .
The second
item that came my way was more personal and, for me, more concerning – an email
(or rather emails) from a friend of many years who is married to an Austrian
and lives, as she has done, for twenty or more years in Austria. Stephanie is a
Brit and also an Austrian and her emails, asking various pertinent and
searching questions, have winged their way through cyberspace since Brexit. With
Theresa May’s opportunistic calling of a General Election with its declared intention
of quashing all opposition to her and her policies Stephanie’s questions have, in their
different ways, asked the same things:
“Why is the British government behaving as it is?” Why have the British voted for Brexit when the
EU gives you so much? Why is Mrs May so intent upon a hard Brexit? My Austrian
friends have a lot of good will towards Britain but they don’t understand the
country’s actions, can you explain them”. As I read and tried to respond to Stephanie’s
questions I was, for once, lost for words. I could repeat the sort of comments
that I have written here or in my blogs, but I genuinely could not answer her
with anything meaningful as to why,
as a nation, we are behaving in such a way. The only thing that came to my mind
as I pondered this is the newspaper article that I had read a few days before;
we are doing it because we have, as a nation, lost the capacity to act
thoughtfully, responsibly, decently, or fairly. Like the Millwall supporter –
we are doing it because we can and we don’t care what anyone thinks. We see
only ourselves and, both individually and collectively, feel free to display
our child like egocentricity as regards Europe at will. We have, as I have
suggested, lost the capacity to think about things such as worthiness, virtue,
decency ideas, ethics, or ideals. If we did still retain these capacities then we would not be behaving as we are. At its root the English national psyche is
now governed by the principle “What’s in
it for us?” – all is reduced to that great rationale of the pragmatist. Gone are the great visions and high
ideals and sadly, those who should guide us and lead us – the politicians, the
pundits and opinion formers, those with power - have lost the ability to
articulate a different narrative about what it means to be a worthy English citizen
or nation in the twenty first century. We have lost the ability or desire to
think of issues of the greater good, the innate goodness of humanity and the
consequent moral imperative to work for the mutual good of mankind. The Labour
Party, once a beacon for social democracy and, even when not in power the conscience of the nation, is seemingly now
incapable of even thinking about these things in any meaningful way. Instead,
they navel gaze and come up with bizarre electioneering tricks like offering extra Bank
Holidays because they know that in the “me, me, me” world of 2017 this is where
the hearts and tiny minds of the electorate lies not in thinking about coherent policies or
considerations of the rightness or justness of an action. As the Labour Party
offers in its election manifesto extra Bank Holidays to capture the imagination
of a society bent upon having a good time Emmanuel Macron,
front runner in the French Presidential race, talks of giving all French 18
year olds €500 cultural passports so
that they might enjoy and develop their understanding of French and wider
culture and of cultural pursuits. The cynic might argue that this means nothing
and these passports might be “spent” upon trivial pop music and the like. That
may well be true – but try telling the English electorate that they will get cultural passports and Joe Public will look at you askance. The
very idea would be ridiculed in the popular press and dismissed by much of the
electorate as 'upper class posh tosh'. The author of any such idea would be branded "out of touch" such is our aversion to terms like culture, learning, high ideals,
great vision, the common human decencies, worthiness and the rest.
At the top of this blog I mentioned the hymn that I remember singing at the end of each school year as the oldest children left to go out into the big wide world and in which they were reminded of how they should conduct themselves. I am not overly religious and the words now, in the brash, cynical and coarse society that is the UK, seem out of place and irrelevant; quaint ideas from a bygone age. But now, in my eighth decade, I am firmly of the view that as a society people today need forcibly reminding of these common decencies and of what constitutes good and honourable action towards our fellow humans:
At the top of this blog I mentioned the hymn that I remember singing at the end of each school year as the oldest children left to go out into the big wide world and in which they were reminded of how they should conduct themselves. I am not overly religious and the words now, in the brash, cynical and coarse society that is the UK, seem out of place and irrelevant; quaint ideas from a bygone age. But now, in my eighth decade, I am firmly of the view that as a society people today need forcibly reminding of these common decencies and of what constitutes good and honourable action towards our fellow humans:
Father, may your blessing
Rest upon your children now,
When in praise your name we hallow,
When in prayer to you we bow;
In the wondrous story reading
Of the Lord of truth and grace,
May we see your love reflected
In the light of his dear face.
May we learn from this great story
All the arts of friendliness;
Truthful speech and honest action,
Courage, patience, steadfastness;
How to master self and temper,
How to make our conduct fair;
When to speak and when be silent,
When to do and when forbear.
May your Spirit wise and holy
With his gifts our spirits bless,
Make us loving, joyous, peaceful,
Rich in goodness, gentleness,
Strong in self-control, and faithful,
Kind in thought and deed; for he
Teaches, ‘What you do for others
You are doing unto me.’
Rest upon your children now,
When in praise your name we hallow,
When in prayer to you we bow;
In the wondrous story reading
Of the Lord of truth and grace,
May we see your love reflected
In the light of his dear face.
May we learn from this great story
All the arts of friendliness;
Truthful speech and honest action,
Courage, patience, steadfastness;
How to master self and temper,
How to make our conduct fair;
When to speak and when be silent,
When to do and when forbear.
May your Spirit wise and holy
With his gifts our spirits bless,
Make us loving, joyous, peaceful,
Rich in goodness, gentleness,
Strong in self-control, and faithful,
Kind in thought and deed; for he
Teaches, ‘What you do for others
You are doing unto me.’
I fear, however, that in the society of Trump and Brexit, of globalisation and rampant capitalism, of the Daily Mail and social media the words and sentiments of the hymn would be quite alien to today's citizens. Sadly, I would also argue that, in a nutshell, that is why we, a once great society, are behaving as we are: we have lost many or most of the common decencies and aspects of humanity such as goodness, gentleness, self control, truth, grace, kindness, steadfastness and the other qualities listed in the hymn. We are unable and unwilling to pay the price to learn and apply these or to take the trouble to think great thoughts, or to have high ideals. Instead we now want the easy options, the 140 character Tweet policy, the quick simple answer because in 2017 England all that we are interested and can take in is the easy answer, the easy life, easy food, easy entertainment, lowest common denominator thinking, untroubled by Johnny Foreigner and his ideas, his talk of culture, justice or fairness, of human rights or mutual cooperation. We have become the junk society, eating junk food, satisfied with junk entertainment, reading junk tabloids, believing that junk is the new chic or high culture. We are, in the Brexit/Theresa May world of 2017, a "bargain basement country" where cheapness is the watchword of our economic, intellectual, social and moral life; we have become the scavengers of Europe and the wider world, nothing is too low for us to sink to, gone are any principles because we no longer understand that concept. Everything, if it has a justification, is judged by its result not by its intrinsic worth; we are the land of "never mind the quality feel the width". We are the land where millions avidly read Facebook posts and Tweets believing them to be insightful commentaries upon the nature of culture and of mankind itself; we are, indeed, the land of “bread and circuses” and so what if “Nobody likes us.....well, we don’t care”.